
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Waiting on the Timer to Buzz

I am a poem, unfinished
rough & raw
waiting to serve some purpose
waiting to serve some greater good

I am a poem, uncooked
marinated in metaphors
meant to disguise
or perhaps
make me more acceptable
more palatable

I am a poem, ungarnished
adorned in alliteration
meant to abate appearances
or perhaps
to underscore
what's underneath

I am a poem, untasted
steeped in lies
seared in truths
& cut open raw
or rather rare or medium rare
but far from well-done

I am a poem, unfinished
waiting to be tasted
waiting to be savored
waiting to be

On inspiration for this piece: This idea was pulled from Poetic Asides's 2015 April PAD Challenge: Day 21. "For today’s prompt, we’re dealing with our third 'Two for Tuesday' prompt(s): Write a 'what you are' poem, or… Write a 'what you are not' poem."

1 comment:

Vandana Sharma said...

WoW a poem is yearning for the completion and looking for a purpose, i na way echoing a poet's own thoughts and yearnings.